Cracks is a short game made during the Asylum Jam 2014,
The goal was to make an horrific game, which would get away from all usual content we were supposed to see in such a theme.
Away, the zombies and other monsters, away the blood and mad killers.
Cracks places 2 players in the body of scientists lost on an ice floe, and they have to reach the light far in the horizon.
Each step they make weakens the ice, and they must alternate between being close to not freeze, and being away from each other as their weights combined weakens even more the ground.
By isolating those players in a snowstorm, we managed to create an stressfull atmosphere where every cracks you hear make you fear for your character!
François Rizzo (Game Design)
Benjamin Rigotti (Visual Art)
Gaspar Morel (Sound Design)
Amélia Lopes (Sound Design)
Vincent Swaenepoel (Programming)
Lucas Le Gouic (Programming)