Prepare yourself to clean the whole universe from the greatest threat ever created!
"Plop'o'Gum allows you to incarnate Wilson, a space sweaper working on a huge space station, spending his day cleaning the floor. When he accidently activate the launch of an escape pod, trapped in it, Wilson will discover a threat beyond his imagination! A planet invaded by the deadliest pink slime that was ever seen!
The "Plop" !!
Wielding his loyal broom, he will fight to escape the ruins of the planet, only to find a conspiracy that could make the world change to a pink nightmare!"
This student game was the achievement of eight months of work, starting from scratches. Developped with Unity3D Pro, and with a team of eight Game Design Students, we used all the knowledge learned during our formation to make concepts arts, 3D animated models, and bring them all to life in a video game!
I was in charge of most of the graphic design of this game, working with another student to make the whole game having this cartoon and funny style. During the production of this student project, I have designed a lot of concept for environment, monsters, and items. Once things were settled, I worked on some of the 3D models (namely: the main character Wilson, some monsters, and some environments props), including 3D Animation. But mainly, I handled most of the 2D textures needed, from terrain to 3D models. As I had some experience with vFX, I made all visual effects and some Shaders of the game (water and holographic shaders, for exemple). Most of the elements done were made using Maya and PhotoshopCS5. I used Illustrator as well to create high quality concepts for the monsters.

Wilson, the main character, made with Maya 2012, texture made with Photoshop CS5. Rigged, Skinned and animated with Maya too. Rendered under Unity3D with Toon Shader.

Pi-R, the little robot that will help our hero in his first steps!
One of the vegetable that have been corrupted by the Plop! It is now able to summon canibal minions to prevent Wilson from escaping!

Patrick Chastel (Game Design/Management)
Florian Beretta (Level Design)
Adrien Gerbex (Programming)
Benjamin Rigotti (Lead Artist/Visual Art)
Eric Bousquet (Visual Art)
Martin Julian (Visual Art)
Adrian Irastorza (UI)